Deena Hinshaw Twitter

Dear Mr. Kaycee Madu:
I thought that you should receive a copy of this letter that I wrote to the Premier in regards to our Province turning into a GESTAPO/STASI/KGB province.
When we let prisoners well deserving of being locked up out of Jail because of CV-19 but then handcuff and shackle a Pastor that preaches the word of God and throw him into Jail when the congregation he serves has contributed not one case of CV-19 to the system, this is Absolute Medical Tyranny.
I would expect a whole lot more from you as the Justice and Solicitor General of Alberta.
Do you really want to turn our Province and our Country into the same Tyrannical governments that are out there in the world?

Pastor James Coates did not break any laws. Health Mandates are not laws passed by the Legislature. It is only giving the authority to someone like the Chief Medical Officer, an unelected official, to recommend something that they personally believe. That does not give them the right or ultimate authority to force the Public to do something that we do not agree with.
Governments at all levels have forgotten who they are and what their positions are.
WE, the public are your Employers (Boss) you are the Employees, you report to us.
That is how Democracy works or was supposed to until everyone except some of us forgot.
Definition of Democracy:
A democracy means rule, by the people, for the people, 1 a: government by the people especially: rule of the majority. b: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections. 2 : a political unit that has a democratic government.

  1. Whistle Stop Cafe - Hi Deena Hinshaw, so as you know, Chris Scott who is the owner of Whistle Stop Cafe decided to open his business so that he can feed his family. You should be helping those who own a local business, not attacking them. If you arrest Chris Scott and shut his cafe down, he will lose everything.
  2. Chief medical officer of health Dr. Deena Hinshaw said during her update that large events could be possible this summer if the majority of Albertans are vaccinated, although they may look.
  3. Alberta’s chief medical officer of health, Dr. Deena Hinshaw, says critics who suggest it’s a Charter rights violation to ask people to keep gatherings to 15 or less need only to look to.

I don’t remember voting on giving Deena Henshaw the power to make laws.
I don’t remember voting to give the position of Justice and Solicitor General of Alberta the power to turn our Police into GESTAPO/STASI/KGB agents.
I don’t remember voting to give the position of Premier the power to govern like a Tyrannical Dictator.

Apr 22, 2021 The province confirmed its first case of the B.1.617 COVID-19 variant Thursday. Deena Hinshaw said the variant was first identified in Denmark and is behind the rapid rise of cases happening.

You are all treating a Pastor, who is no criminal or a flight risk, worse than this province treats murders/rapists/thieves.
He has not broken a single LAW.
Have you not heard that under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms that we have the Freedom of Association and Religion?
The so called number of cases has dropped so dramatically and you still have Law Enforcement act like GESTAPO/STASI/KGB agents.

I’m asking you to release pastor James Coates immediately and that you stop using your office as the headquarters of the GESTAPO/STASI/KGB.
If this is not rectified by You, the Premier and the rest of the MLAS, we are going to Strongly campaign at the next Election to vote the UCP representatives out of office.
A lot of us are really now believing the only way forward is to have Alberta separate from Canada and get rid of the UCP/NDP and all Federal parties and elect a Separatist government.

If Jason Kenney is not part of the Globalist Economic Reset Elites, he had better prove it really quickly and remove all Lock Downs and restrictions and get this Province back to work, back to School and back to Church where we all belong.

From: Wayne Hansen <> Sent: February 17, 2021 4:41 PM To: Jason Kenney ( <>; Jason Kenney ( <> Subject: GraceLife Church

Dear Premier:
This has gone way to far. Are we living in Canada where we have a Charter of Rights and Freedoms or in Nazi Germany or in Stalin Russia USSR or Communist China? /28567498?cs_tk=Ar8hieL3pGuyAMiCMWAAAXicyyvNyQEABF8BvKSRmwB_mDZP8pTw2R1R5Do% 3D < u/28567498?cs_tk=Ar8hieL3pGuyAMiCMWAAAXicyyvNyQEABF8BvKSRmwB_mDZP8pTw2R1R5Do %3D&utm_campaign=ae2ed6d471b6433d8b45b9932868c77b&utm_content=initial_v0_4_0 &utm_medium=email&utm_source=petition_update&utm_term=cs> &utm_campaign=ae2ed6d471b6433d8b45b9932868c77b&utm_content=initial_v0_4_0&ut m_medium=email&utm_source=petition_update&utm_term=cs

Arresting a Pastor and hauling him away in handcuffs and ankle shackles for preaching the Gospel, is reprehensible for our Province/Country and our Premier.
I know you went to the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University and so you are not only familiar with but know the scriptures where it says in
King James Version:
Acts 5:29: Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.
Hebrews 10:25: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
I would never have thought that in my life time and in the Democratic West, it would be CRIMINAL to hold Church and to go to Church.
Proverbs 29:2: When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.
Proverbs 29:12: If a ruler listens to falsehood, all his officials will be wicked.
To positions of Top Leaders in our countries today, is equivalent to the positions of Kings referred to in the Bible.
Proverbs 16:12: It is an abomination to kings to do evil, for the throne is established by righteousness.

Have we now gotten so far down the road of which was once Democracy, that we are now following the Name of what is Socialism/Communism/Nazism/Maoism, that we now have our own GESTAPO/STASI/KGB/etc.? This is SHAMEFUL!

Jason, we are imploring you to put an end to this ridiculous charade in the Name of Safety from a virus from which 99.993% of people that contract it, recover.
CV-19 is no more than the FLU of 2019-2020 and here, at all levels of Government, we are exercising the Politicization of a virus for the nefarious reason to control the citizens of our Province and our country. I strongly believe that Jason Kenney and others members of our Governments in Canada, are part of the GLOBALIST Elites that want to bring in the ONE World ORDER, through the WEF’s dream of the Great Economic Reset by Hitler #2, Klaus Schwab. Every government leader at every level in the world received a copy of his book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” which more correctly stands for the “Fourth Reich”.

To Isolate the Sick is Quarantine, to Isolate the Healthy is Tyranny.

If you are afraid of the Communist NDP Racheal Notely, please ignore this evil party, and End the LOCKDOWN now.
This Virus fear mongering has gone on long enough and has been pushed by the Fake News Main Stream Media (TV, Radio, FB, Twitter, etc.) and the Federal Nazi PM and Liberal party for long enough.
The Virus is real, but the majority of deaths are only in the age group of 80+ with comorbidities. 99.999% of all children are over it within 48 hrs. 99.993% of others are too.
We know of six adults who have had it and said it was no worse than the flu from any previous year, continued working at home and were completely recovered in 12 days.
Deaths from all other diseases or illnesses far exceed CV-19 yet one hears nothing about those or the Mental illness or Societal issues that the fear mongering has created.

The PCR test being used at amplification of 40+ makes everyone Positive and proves absolutely nothing. This test was developed for HIV not for CV-19 or COV2 which it really is.
A working vaccine was never developed for COV1 which was SARS and there still is no vaccine for it and there will never be a trust worthy vaccine developed for COV2.
When you have people like Dr. Fauci in the USA saying that you will still have to follow all the current PPE protocols even after the first and second shot of the vaccine, anyone with half a brain knows that this is pure Politics, not Health related at all.

It’s time for the Governments at all levels to leave Health Care to the health practitioners and Health Care practitioners to leave governing up to the elected Representatives that are supposed to Represent our wants, views, and desires, not theirs. All MLAS, MPS, PREMIERS, PM are accountable to us, we the Employer, elected representatives are the Employees.
It’s time you started listening to us and not do your own thing and listen to those who’ve been scared to death by the MEDIA and the false Political Narrative that has been pushed this whole time because of a virus.

We agreed to follow the rules for the first two or three weeks to flatten the curve and here we are one year later still flattening the curve which is nothing but a numbers game being played by MEDIA, Health Practitioners and Politicians who’ve drunk the cool-aid. Everyday all you hear is about the number of Cases. Cases means nothing. It is a number. State the numbers of people who actually are in hospital with CV-19 or have died from it, actual numbers. We have contacts that work in ICU in Edmonton and they have said emphatically that they are no more overwhelmed in ICU now than before anyone ever heard of CV-19. ICU is always overwhelmed.

This virus has become such Miracle because all other disease’s must have been cured because no one Dies of anything anymore except CV-19. What a farse.
There are no more cases of Flu either because this is the Flu and there will always be mutations of viruses because that’s how viruses work.

How many people have had to die of all kinds of other diseases and issues because they cannot or are afraid to go to a Hospital.
Seniors have to die alone or suffer from loneliness because they think their families have abandoned them. If Care givers can follow PPE protocols, do you think we are too stupid to know how to follow them so that we can visit them? This is pure insanity and is no different than the practices of Tyranny from WWI to the end of WWII.

One Hospital for CV-19 should have been setup and have the rest deal with everything else so that normal health care could go forward for those that really need Help. It can still be done.

Keep the vulnerable Safe and send the Healthy back to Work and to School, and save our Province and it’s economy before we are completely beyond recovery.
We should all be saddened that Trump is gone and Pro CCP Biden is here to destroy everything that benefitted Alberta Capitalism, Oil Industry and the Free world. Trudeau has already sold us out to CCP.
Biden has put more nails into Alberta’s Oil Industry coffin.

Wayne Hansen

For over seven months, we have been following daily case counts of coronavirus because they give us a quick report card on how we're doing. If numbers are trending down, we feel like our efforts are working to flatten the curve. If they're going the other direction, we know people have to do better.

As numbers in Alberta headed north over the last week or so, I've noticed how Alberta Health Services and the face of the pandemic in Alberta, Dr. Deena Hinshaw, have been telling a different story.

Daily case count numbers have been taking a back seat, all in an attempt by the government to control the COVID message, but it's not helping the image of Dr. Hinshaw.

Ghost Tweeting

At the start of the pandemic, Alberta Health Services (AHS) decided Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Deena Hinshaw should have a Twitter account.

It made sense. It’s a great way to communicate. Eight months later, she has around 100,000 followers and has sent over 2,000 Tweets. Her messages also bring a huge amount of engagement. Some of it is positive, but lately many of the comments have been negative, as Albertans grow increasingly frustrated by what they see as politics snubbing science. Hinshaw is caught in the middle.

People need to understand though, it’s not Dr. Hinshaw sending those Tweets. It’s AHS Communications people. It’s rare for people in her position to be active on social media. The same goes for many politicians. Justin Trudeau doesn’t send his own Tweets. His aides are saddled with the responsibility of writing what they think he would say, in both of Canada's official languages.

There’s one big exception to this rule – Donald Trump. He uses Twitter to try to bypass mainstream media. The Twitter account of his rival Joe Biden however, is handled by aides. If there was any doubt, during last week’s debate, tweets from Biden were appearing on his timeline as he was trading barbs with Trump. I did see him glance at his watch, but I didn’t see him whip out his iPhone and send a couple of Tweets during the debate.


Twitter Troubles

Let’s get back to Dr. Hinshaw. Last week I noticed a real change in the way daily update numbers were being handled in her Twitter feed.

In the past, updates to the daily case counts for COVID19 were featured prominently in her Tweets. After all, that’s what the media has been focused on. Like it or not, daily case counts provide a quick report card on how we’re doing as a province, especially now with the numbers going through the roof.

Here was her Tweet from last Tuesday. You’ll notice she doesn’t bring up the scary number of 323 new cases until she talks about the positive news of recoveries and tests.

Hinshaw Live Update

I noticed the change in approach right away and Tweeted “You buried the lede. Let me fix it. We had 323 new cases today, the 4th highest daily total ever and as a result, hospitalizations are getting dangerously high.”

Many others who read my response must have agreed. Within a few hours, 26 people retweeted what I wrote and twice as many liked the comment. The people aren’t fooled either.

A couple of days later, Hinshaw’s Twitter account was at it again – ignoring more than 400 daily cases for the first time and instead talking about Halloween first.

It’s now clear that Dr. Hinshaw’s Twitter feed is trying to play down daily case count numbers and focus on other aspects of the virus. As a former member of the news media for many years and somebody who studies the way issues are managed, this is a clear attempt by AHS to try to control the message, as COVID numbers in Alberta go through the roof.

In fairness, the order of the information in Hinshaw's Tweets matches how she has presented the information at her latest news conference, as she reads prepared statements from her communication team before taking questions from reporters. As a result, burying the numbers is a change in approach at her media conferences as well.

I feel sorry for Dr. Hinshaw. She’s not writing those messages, but a lot of the people who read them don’t know that.

Trying to Control the Message


I wonder if there’s something bigger at play here than just some AHS communications people trying to control the message?

In the US, Donald Trump has basically done his best to distance himself from the virus and recently talked about the country “Rounding the corner” even though it saw daily records for the number of new cases last week. Sound familiar Alberta?

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney has also distanced himself from the virus. He hasn’t been at a news conference with Dr. Hinshaw for months. It’s clear he still supports children going back into the same classrooms even though around 400 schools have reported cases, according to the Support Our Schools Alberta website. It’s clear he doesn’t want to shut down any portion of the Alberta economy.

Deena Hinshaw Twitter

Dr Deena Hinshaw Twitter

That’s why it makes sense for AHS to focus on everything else about the virus, other than the numbers, especially with new daily case counts showing record numbers three days in a row and a record number of active cases five days running. The number of hospitalizations in Alberta is the highest ever and the percentage of people testing positive is the highest since May.

I think you’ll agree, all those numbers are more important than once again telling Albertans it’s okay for their kids to go trick or treating.

It’s almost like saying, “I know we have used daily cases counts to show how we’re doing for months, but now that they’re getting really bad, let’s talk about recoveries, testing and trick or treating instead.”

Deena Hinshaw Covid Twitter

I can see through it and I’m pretty sure Albertans can too.

Media Training in the United Arab Emirates

Dr Deena Hinshaw Update Twitter

I did a virtual media training session for an executive in the UAE last week. Once again, it really made it clear that the new virtual world can result in doing media training for anyone on the planet. To find out more, click here.

Dr Hinshaw Update