Ionic Cheat Sheet

Cookie management is not the most difficult thing to do in Express.js, but there are a lot of solutions out there to help you which can make things quite confusing. We’re going to look at a very raw implementation of cookies. If you want to learn more about what browser cookies are, I recommend reading this article first.

What We’re Building

We’re going to make a little grocery store application using Express.js and as little other libraries as possible. You can see my extremely boring implementation of it at To get started we will run:

Our application will have an app.js file and a productDao.js file.

Module: app.js

Module: apiRouter.js

Ionic Cheat Sheet

An Action Sheet is a dialog that lets the user choose from a set of options. It appears on top of the app's content, and must be manually dismissed by the user before they can resume interaction with the app. Dangerous (destructive) options are made obvious in ios mode. Moles & Stoichiometry Cheat Sheet Calculating Molar Mass 1. Write out formula of compound 2. Determine number of atoms of each element present 3. Multiply number of atoms of the element by the atomic mass of the element 4. Add up the values just determined for all of the elements present in the compound Calculating Percent Composition 1. Ionic CLI v3 - Command Cheat Sheet Ionic CLI v3 - Command Cheat Sheet. Create a cross platform mobile app for your responsive website with Ionic 2/3 and InAppBrowser. A convenience widget that combines common painting, positioning, and sizing widgets. Container Class URL. The Container widget is used to contain a child widget with the ability to apply some.

Sending Cookies in Express.js

Before looking at any other library, we can see that Express has a cookie property on the Response object.

Module: sessionHandler.js


Getting Cookies in Express

A great utility is cookie-parser. You can use it to attach a new interface to your Express Request and Response instances. It is an extremely simple library and I highly recommend you check out the source code.

For learning purposes, we’ll use as few libraries as we can. But in your project you should use libraries like express-cookie to read the request’s cookies, express-session to manage sessions and || orcookie-parser to parse cookies.


Module: sessionHandler.js

Now that we know how to create and read session cookies, let’s create some sessions.

Ionic 3 Cheat Sheet

Unique Session IDs

In my opinion, the best tool in Node.js to get unique identifiers is the uuid package. We’ll assign one unique identifier to each client.

Module: sessionHandler.js

Writing Our Shopping Routes

Here’s the route definitions for our cart:

Module: apiRouter.js

You might have noticed that the application’s management is stateful. This means that if the server reloads we loose all of our sessions. That’s why we’ll want to use JWT tokens or Redis to make it stateless.

Ionic cli cheat sheet

🍪🍪🍪 That's it for today! Feel free to ask us questions on Twitter. 🍪🍪🍪

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