Todoist Completed Tasks

  1. Todoist Completed Tasks
  2. Todoist Print Tasks
  3. Todoist Delete Completed Tasks

Pleexy creates tasks in Todoist from your tasks in ClickUp and keeps them up to date on both sides of the connection. For example, if you mark ClickUp tasks as complete, Pleexy will automatically complete them in Todoist — and vice versa.

When you share a task, its copy has a different ID in the projects of your collaborators. To find a task in another account that matches yours, you can use the 'syncid' attribute. For non-shared tasks, the attribute is null. Datecompleted String: The date when the task was completed (or null if not completed.

On your Pleexy dashboard, select ClickUp as a source service. After authorizing Pleexy to access your ClickUp account, you can customize the connection's name.

The completion of recurring tasks can only be undone right after the occurrence has been completed, by clicking “ undo ” in the popup (web, Windows, macOS) or by tapping the undo popup (iOS, Android) which appears at the bottom of your screen. It’s not possible to undo any previous occurrence of the task. For example, if you have a task due everyday, and you complete it today, you can only undo today's task. Setting start dates for non-recurring tasks in Todoist. Start dates for non-recurring tasks are actually not supported in Todoist. The dates above are all due dates. You have three options to get around this: Register the start date as the due date. When the task shows up, use the every day until to make the task repeat until the. I work for myself, and I use todoist to track both high level stuff, mundane work stuff and my personal stuff. I get that completed tasks are useful for tracking the high level stuff, but the mundane stuff can add up. Shopping Lists, Errands, random payments, random tasks, things I wouldn't schedule as a re-occuring. Projects are nothing more than a collection of tasks and subtasks that you define. If you were working on a project to remodel your kitchen, for example, you might create a project in Todoist called “Kitchen Remodel” that would contain all of the tasks and subtasks required to complete the remodel.


You can customize your connection according to your preferences by adjusting the settings for Source, Task Template, Destination, and Synchronization. On the right-hand side of your screen, Pleexy will show a summary of your selected settings and a preview of how your tasks will look like in Todoist.

Let's go through your options for each of the settings.

1. Source of tasks

Source settings let you configure how Pleexy searches for tasks in ClickUp. Tasks that meet the criteria will be created in Todoist.

Select which ClickUp workspaces, spaces, folders, lists, and statuses Pleexy will search for tasks. You can choose all of them or select specific ones.

You can also specify whether Pleexy will sync ClickUp tasks assigned only to you or tasks assigned to anyone.

To focus on your most recent tasks, you can choose to ignore ClickUp tasks you consider out-of-date. For example, if you enter ‘60’ in the 'and ignore tasks older than ___ days' field, Pleexy will ignore ClickUp tasks that haven’t been updated in the last 60 days.

Pleexy combines your settings for all these filters. For example, if you choose the Alpha Company workspace, Marketing space, December 2020 folder, Product Launch list, and In Progress status, plus tasks assigned only to you that have been updated within the last 30 days, Pleexy will search for tasks that meet all seven requirements:

+ In the workspace Alpha Company

+ Located in Marketing space

+ Located in December 2020 folder

+ Located in Product Launch list

+ With In Progress status

+ Assigned only to you

+ Updated within the last 30 days

Tracking Completeness of ClickUp Tasks

Finally, you can customize how Pleexy tracks the completeness of your tasks.

When a task is marked complete in Todoist, define what should happen in ClickUp. Click the pencil icon and select one option:

  • Do not track task completeness: Pleexy will not assume that any tasks are completed. If you complete a task in one place, it will not be completed on the other end.

  • Task is in the Closed status: Pleexy will assume that tasks in the Closed status in ClickUp are completed.

  • Custom status: Pleexy will store completed ClickUp tasks in the selected custom status.

Note: By default, the Closed status is always considered complete in ClickUp. If you select a custom status called Review, for example, and you move a task to Closed or Review in ClickUp, the task will be completed in Todoist either way. If you complete a task in Todoist, Pleexy will move the task to the Review status in ClickUp.

2. Tasks Template

In the Tasks Template Settings, you can specify how Pleexy creates, names, and synchronizes tasks and task attributes like due dates, labels, comments, priority, and subtasks.

Note: Pleexy does not sync custom fields from ClickUp at this time.

Customizing the Task Title Template

In Task title field, customize how Pleexy names your tasks in Todoist by adding text and selecting any of the given elements. For ClickUp integrations, eight elements are available for task names: task, parent task, status, list, folder, space, workspace, and assignee.

As you change your task title template, Pleexy shows how your tasks will look in a live example above the template field. You can combine the elements however you want. Here are some ideas:

  • {task} from {list} in the {workspace} workspace

  • {list} - {parent_task} : {task}

Note: If you manually edit a task title in Todoist, Pleexy won’t update or change your edited title in ClickUp.

Synchronizing Due Dates and Labels

In the Due Date pane, toggle on the option if you want to synchronize changes to your due dates between Todoist and ClickUp.

Todoist Completed Tasks

You have two more advanced options:

  1. From ClickUp to Todoist: when the due date changes in ClickUp, change it in Todoist

  2. From Todoist to ClickUp: when the due date changes in Todoist, change it in ClickUp

You have the same options for how you want to synchronize labels.

Synchronizing Priority and Description

If you want to add your task’s priority from ClickUp to your tasks in Todoist, just enable the Priority option. You can also toggle on Comment if you want Pleexy to show ClickUp task descriptions as task comments in Todoist.

Sub-tasks from ClickUp are automatically created as sub-tasks in Todoist. This option is enabled by default and cannot be turned off.

3. Destination

Destination settings define how Pleexy creates tasks in your Todoist account.

You have two destination options:

  • Put all tasks in one Todoist project: Create tasks from all ClickUp lists in the same Todoist project. Click the pencil icon in the Project in Todoist pane to select the Todoist project to use.

  • Create tasks in several projects in Todoist: Create tasks from each ClickUp list in a different Todoist project. Click the pencil icon in the Project in Todoist pane to select the root Todoist project to use. Pleexy will create individual projects within the root project you select.

Note: If a project with the same name already exists in the root project you select, Pleexy will use it instead of creating a new project. This way, Pleexy can combine tasks from different source services in the same project. For example, Pleexy will create tasks from a “Development” notebook in Evernote and a “Development” list in ClickUp in a single root project.

In addition, you can choose to synchronize your ClickUp statuses as sections in Todoist. Just enable the Section template option so that you can customize how your sections will be named in Todoist.

In Section template, customize how Pleexy names your sections by selecting any of the given elements. For ClickUp integrations, five elements are available for section names: status, list, folder, space, and workspace.

4. Sync options

Sync options let you control what Pleexy will do when you change, complete, or delete tasks in ClickUp or Todoist — both sides of the integration!

First, choose what should happen in Todoist when you complete a task in ClickUp.

  • Complete task: Enable the option if you want Pleexy to complete the corresponding task in Todoist

  • Ignore task: Disable the option if you want Pleexy to ignore the corresponding task in Todoist

Note: If you selected Do not track task completeness in your Destinationsettings, you will not have this option.

Todoist Print Tasks

Second, choose what should happen in Todoist when you delete a task in ClickUp.

  • Delete task: Enable the option if you want Pleexy to delete the corresponding task in Todoist

  • Ignore task: Disable the option if you want Pleexy to ignore the corresponding task in Todoist

Third, specify what should happen in ClickUp when you complete a task in Todoist.

  • Complete task: Enable the option and Pleexy will complete the corresponding task in ClickUp by assigning it the status you selected in your Source Settings

  • Ignore task: Disable the option if you want Pleexy to ignore the corresponding task in ClickUp

Note: If you selected Do not track task completeness in your Destinationsettings, you will not have this option.

Those are your options for integrating ClickUp with Todoist! Don’t forget to click Save when you’re finished customizing.

Todoist Delete Completed Tasks

Now you can automate your task management between and Todoist and ClickUp and focus on getting real work done.