Clean Me App

  1. Clean Me App Reviews
  2. Clean Me App Login

Download Clean Master for Android. Download from Google Play. Download.APK File. Requires Android 4.0 and higher. Download Clean Master for PC. Download.EXE File. Clean is one of the most useful and needed tools you will download for your mobile device. If you've noticed that your phone or tablet isn't as fast as it once was then this is the app for you! If you have a new device and want to keep it running like new then you want this app.

A list of all scanned directories can be found here.

Clean Me App

I wrote this app just for fast analysing purposes. the cleaning option was just a handy extra feature.

I do not recommend you to delete your cache files. Cache files are what makes your programs load faster and perform tasks faster. If you delete it, the program will not only start slower, but will regenerate the cache files again. This will not save you some precious space on your disk.
If you do have a problem and want to delete the cache of some specific programs, I suggest you to click on the folder icon and search for that program and delete it this way.

Now you can access Clean Me like any other macOS app on your system; How to use Clean Me. When you’ve opened the app, you have 4 options: Click the app logo to see some other apps that I can recommend to clean and maintain your mac. Click analyse to see how much space each topic consumes. This will ask for your administrator’s password for. Easily unsubscribe in one click from email subscriptions. Clean Master for PC provides you the most powerful junk cleaning and privacy protection and makes your computer run like brand new! FREE DOWNLOAD BUY PRO EDITION V6.0 / 20.6MB Supports Windows XP /.

Large log files can be deleted after inspection. A large log file mostly indicates that a program (or your system) has some problems that need to be resolved.

What I do recommend are also the options that are checked when the app loads: emptying the trash, deleting Xcode derived data and mail attachments (once in a while).

Clean Me uses the pod ‘STPrivilegedTask’ to handle sensitive data like getting your root password. Clean Me does not save this password, nor does it load the password in a variable.If you do not trust Clean Me, then check its code or block all internet access with Little Snitch or RadioSilence.Normally Clean Me should not request an internet connection, if it does, you app is compromised. In that case, remove the app as soon as possible.

Clean Me also will not delete the directory itself. Only the content of the directory will be cleaned. This is because some programs rely on the existence of the directory. This way, the permissions of the directory will also not change, which is a security baseline.

Clean Me can be installed using Homebrew cask or manually via the releases on this GitHub repository.

Install via Homebrew cask

You can find it here. Install it as follows:

If you notice that the version on cask is outdated, please follow the instructions here to update it for everyone,

Install manually

Clean Me can be installed like any other macOS app file:

  1. Download it here
  2. Unzip the file
  3. Copy the unzipped file (Clean to you Applications directory on your MacBook
  4. (Only the first time) In the Applications directory, right-click the file and chose open
  5. Now you can access Clean Me like any other macOS app on your system

How to use Clean Me

When you’ve opened the app, you have 4 options:

  • Click the app logo to see some other apps that I can recommend to clean and maintain your mac.
  • Click analyse to see how much space each topic consumes. This will ask for your administrator’s password for scanning the directories that require root. If you do not provide the password, Clean Me will just skip those files for which it requires root and display 0 MB.
  • Click Clean to delete all topics that are selected. If a certain topic requires root, it will ask for the root password. Again, if you do not provide the password, it will skip those files.
  • Click the little folder icon to open the specific folder which will be cleaned.

To be able to remove iMessage attachments, Clean Me requires full disk access. DO NOT GRANT THIS IF YOU DO NOT TRUST CLEAN ME.

To enable full disk access:

Power clean app free
  1. Pull down the  Apple menu and choose System Preferences
  2. Choose Security & Privacy control panel
  3. Now select the Privacy tab, then from the left-side menu select Full Disk Access
  4. Click the lock icon in the lower left corner of the preference panel and authenticate with an admin level login
  5. Now click the [+] plus button to add the Clean Me app with full disk access
  6. Navigate to the /Applications/Utilities/ folder and choose Clean Me to grant Clean Me with Full Disk Access privileges
  • bsharper - see #1
  • SMillerDev - see #25
  • fabianschwarzfritz - see #30

Clean Me is a small macOS app that acts as a system cleaner (logs, cache, etc.)

Read this first

The developer does NOT recommend you to delete ALL of your cache (or cache of some specific programs). Cache files are what makes your program load faster and perform tasks faster. If you delete them, your program will not only start slower but will REGENERATE the cache files again. This will NOT save you some precious space on your disk. But if you do have a problem and want to delete the cache of some programs, you can click on the folder icon and search for that program and delete it this way.


If you have large log files, then you can delete these but first check the log files. A large log file mostly indicates that a program or your system really has some problems.

The developer recommends emptying the trash, deleting Xcode derived data and mail attachments once in a while.

You can see which folders are checked here.


Clean Me uses the pod 'STPrivilegedTask' to handle sensitive data like getting your root password. Clean Me does not save this password, nor it loads the password in a variable. If you do not trust Clean Me, then check its code or block all internet access with Little Snitch or RadioSilence (normally it shouldn't request an internet connection).

Enable full disk access to be able to remove iMessage attachments

To be able to remove iMessage attachments, Clean Me requires full disk access.

Clean Me App Reviews

To enable full disk access:

  1. Pull down the  Apple menu and choose 'System Preferences'
  2. Choose 'Security & Privacy' control panel
  3. Now select the 'Privacy' tab, then from the left-side menu select 'Full Disk Access'
  4. Click the lock icon in the lower left corner of the preference panel and authenticate with an admin level login
  5. Now click the [+] plus button to add the Clean Me app with full disk access
  6. Navigate to the /Applications/Utilities/ folder and choose 'Clean Me' to grant Clean Me with Full Disk Access privileges
Example of a use case

When someone was running appium for iOS (with the Xcode webdriveragent), he saw that his disk gets filled with some files (available disk space was shrinking over time). But a DaisyDisk search did not reveal his problem.

After running this app, we saw that Xcode Derived Data had a size of 60GB and system logs (/var/private/folders) had a size of 25GB. It turned out that Xcode builds the WebDriverAgent every time a user started a test (explaining the large Xcode derived data folder) and that the app (payload) and screenshots that appium generated were saved in this folder: /private/var/folders. We fixed this issue by running a small script that cleans these 2 folders every week.

How to use

When you've opened the app, you have 4 options:

Clean Me App Login

  • Click the app logo to see some other apps that I recommend (with links) and some links to this GitHub page (check for updates) and my webpage (but still need to write a page for it...).
  • Click analyze to see how much space each topic consumes (also those topics that are not selected). This will ask for your administrator's password for scanning the directories that require root. If you do not provide the password, Clean Me will just skip those files for which it requires root.
  • Click 'Clean' to delete all topics that are selected. If a certain topic requires root, it will ask for the password. Again, if you do not provide the password, it will skip those files.
  • Click the little folder icon to open the specific folder which will be cleaned.